Community Garden Receives Boost
In 2024, our Community Garden at the Foodbank Centre won the B&Q Community Garden of the Year Award, allowing us to build a new greenhouse!
Free School Meals
As a Foodbank, we understand that food poverty is not an isolated issue and that other factors significantly drive people into food poverty.
Inside the NUFC Fans Foodbank
The NUFC Fans Foodbank is a collective of volunteers and football fans who raise funds for Newcastle Foodbank at every Newcastle United home game.
Newcastle Foodbank has busiest 12 month period on record
Newcastle Foodbank are an anti-poverty Charity who provide emergency food and welfare support for people and households who are experiencing financial hardship.
Newcastle Community Pantry Celebrates 1st Birthday
The network now has three sites across the City, including Blakelaw Community Centre, Tree Top Village Walker, and the Newcastle United Foundation building.
Newcastle Foodbank prepares for hard winter
Having reported their busiest year on record and their busiest summer on record, the Charity is bracing for their worst winter yet.